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Cobwebb APIs & Commands

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Cobwebb Document Management includes various Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and Commands:

Note: You will need to add the CPPD library to your library list before calling any of these commands e.g.


Menu Option Commands:

For the commands behind some of the menu options please see Menu Option Commands.


SNDAPI - Outgoing fax API.

EMLAPI - Outgoing email API.

DSTAPI - Cobwebb Distribution API which allows a correctly designed PPD to have its output distribution modified at runtime programmatically.
There is also an ARCDSTAPI which archives old records from the DSTAPI Database - from version 6.2.70.

PPD Commands:

CRTPPD - Command to process a spooled file using a PPD file - used by the Cobwebb Spool File Monitor

RUNPPD - Cut down version of CRTPPD for testing your PPD files.

SNDFAXPPD - Command to send a spooled file as a fax using a PPD to generate the output.

SNDFAXP - Command to send a spooled file as a fax.

SNDPPDEML - Command to send an email directly to your SMTP Mail Server using POSTIE. (One recipient & attachment)

SNDPPDEML3 - Command to send an email directly to your SMTP Mail Server using POSTIE3. (Multiple recipients & attachments)

Cobwebb Queue Commands - included from version 6.2.

WRKQARC - Archives a queue entry. This is the same as entering 8=Archive against a message on the queue.

WRKQCPY - Copies a queue entry. This is the same as entering 3=Copy against a message on the queue.

WRKQDEL - Deletes a queue entry. This is the same as entering 4=Delete against a message on the queue.

WRKQPTY - Changes the priority of a queue entry. This is the same as entering 4=Select against a message on the queue and then changing the priority.

WRKHLDQ - Displays all Held emails that have never been sent and allows you to route them to a different email for checking the output, prior to going live with a new Cobwebb Design (PPD) - from version 6.2.88.

Housekeeping Commands (also included in the Housekeeping menu):

ARCPPDQ - Archive Cobwebb Queue messages so that they don't appear on the Work with Queue display unless you press F13 Archive Q.

SAVPPDQ - Save the Cobwebb Queue to a save file.

CLRPPDQ - Clear (delete) entries from the Cobwebb Queue.

RGZPPDQ - Save the Cobwebb Queue and Clear entries. This combines the SAVPPDQ and CLRPPDQ commands. It will end the CPPD subsystem at the beginning of the job then, when it has cleared the records, it will reorganise ANY file in library CPPD that has deleted records, and then re-start the CPPD subsystem.

Spooled File Commands (also included in the Cobwebb Tools menu):

CHGSPLFS - Change the status of multiple spool files, with the same file name in a defined Output Queue - from version 6.2.66.

DLTSPLFS - Delete multiple spool files, with the same file name in a defined Output Queue - from version 6.2.66.

DUPSPLF - Duplicate a spooled file. Note: Not currently on the Cobwebb Tools menu.

MOVSPLFS - Move multiple spool files, with the same file name in a defined Output Queue, to a different Output Queue - from version 6.2.66.

MRGSPLFS - Merge spool files, with the same file name in a defined Output Queue, together - from version 6.2.65.

RTVPRTF - Retrieve the details of the records and fields that exists in the selected externally defined Printer File - from version 6.2.78

SCANSPLF - Search an Output Queue for spool files that contain a supplied text string - from version 6.2.57

WRKSPLH - Work with Spooled Files Housekeeping allows you to specify a list of Spooled File tasks that you wish to be performed to help tidy up your Spooled Files - from version 6.2.68

Docstore Commands:

SNDDSEML - Send a Docstore Document directly to your SMTP Mail Server - - from version 6.2.84.

STOREDOC - Manually move a document to the Cobwebb Docstore.

Folder Commands:

FLRMON - Program to monitor a folder for new files which then calls a supplied program.

FLRTIDY - Run housekeeping over a specified folder - from version 6.2.76.

WRKFLRH - Work with Folder Housekeeping allows you to specify a list of Folders that you wish to housekeep - from version 6.2.76.

PTF Commands:

CRTPPDPTF - Create a PTF of changed / new objects.

RSTPPDPTF - Restore a PTF of changed / new objects.

Other Commands:

ARCFTPLOG - Archive old records from the FTP Folder Monitor log file AFTPLOG - from version 6.2.87.

CHGPPDAUT - Populates the PPD Security screen. When you request a Security Code from Cobwebb you will be emailed a command sting calling this command with all your security details - from version 6.2.24.

CHGTSTMOD - Enable or disable Test and Trace modes for testing your designs - from version 6.2.66.

CRTTSTLIB - Creates a copy of your existing CPPD library and restores it as a new name. It will also change all of the necessary objects such as the CPPD Subsystem name and Job Description to be the same as your new library name as well as making sure they all point to the new library - from version 6.2.37.

DLTORPHAND - Print & optionally Delete any orphaned Fax or Email Message text or Additional Email Destinations - from version 6.2.24.

FMNOTIFYP - Print & Delete records from the Folder Monitor Notifications file. This should be used in conjunction with the FMNOTIFY Folder Monitor program - coming soon.

PRTXMLSPL - Print XML Cross References. Prints an XML File, that has been pre-configured via the Work with XML Cross References, to a spooled file. Requires Cobwebb Server version 6.2.82 or above (with a licence to the Cobwebb XML module) and IBM i OS V6R1M0 or above.

RSTPPDQ - Allows you to restore a previous version of the Cobwebb Queue saved using SAVPPDQ.

WRKGEND - Work with General Directory and supply a filter to prevent users from maintaining entries except those that match the supplied filter - from version 6.2.83.

WRKPPDSTAT - Command to Work with PPD Statistics.