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SNDDSEML provides the facility to send a Docstore Document directly to your SMTP Mail Server using the CHTTPD Web Services. Note: These email will NOT be written to the Cobwebb Queue. This command has been included from version 6.2.84.

Note: Make sure parameters with spaces or lowercase letters are enclosed in quotes e.g. ‘Test Docstore’.

Command Parameters

URL to Docstore Message API (URL)

Enter the URL to the Docstore Message API e.g. http://localhost:6400/message/

Docstore User Name (USRNAM)

Enter the User Name to access the Docstore message API.

Docstore User Password (USRPWD)

Enter the Password for the User Name (case sensitive).

Sender Name (SNDNAM)

Enter the name you wish to appear as the Sender.

Sender Email Address (SNDADR)

Enter the email address you wish to appear as the Sender email.

Recipient Name (RCPNAM)

Enter the name of the Recipient.

Recipient Details (RCPADR)

Enter the email address for the person you wish to receive the email.

Subject of Email (SUBJECT)

Enter text you wish to be the subject of your email.        

Email message (MESSAGE)

Enter the text you wish to be the email message. If you wish to include more than 1024 bytes of data in your Message or to include carriage returns, then you may specify an HTML or TXT file to use as the message text. You do this by specifying a %FILE parameter in the Message entry e.g. %FILE"/test/message.html" where "/test/message.html" is the path to the document you wish to use. Note: %FILE must be in uppercase if you wish to use this function.

Use HTML in msg (UHTML)

Do you wish to use HTML in the message body?


Do not use HTML (default).



Docstore Name (DSNAME)

Enter the name of the Docstore where your document resides - this is case sensitive.

Docstore Document ID (DOCID)

Enter the Docstore Document ID for the document you wish to email.


A message will be written to the joblog if the API fails. You can also make the program more verbose and write all of the parameters, passed to the SNDDSEML program, to the joblog by turning on TRACE mode. This can help you to see if there are any errors with the data in the parameters such as case (passwords are case sensitive).

To turn on TRACE mode use CHGTSTMOD.