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Cobwebb supply the following Folder Monitor programs in the CPPD library. These should be used in conjunction with the relevant Monitor Type as defined in the table below.

Program Name

Monitor Type


Cobwebb  Version



Stores the submitted files into Cobwebb Docstore where the information for any Document Type Keys is extracted from the filename by specifying the key separator and key sequence in the Folder Monitor Parameters. See Cobwebb Folder Monitor Types for details.

From version 6.2.63



Using the email details written to a .TXT file with the same name as the .PDF attachment, send individual email to multiple recipients directly via your SMTP Mail Server.

From version 6.2.87



Sends the file via the Cobwebb FTP, based on the supplied parameters. See Cobwebb Folder Monitor Types for details.

You can then use the FMNOTIFY Folder Monitor to monitor the "failed" folder, and the FMNOTIFYP command to produce a spooled file of any failed documents, so that you can be notified if the FTP should fail. Please also see FTP Troubleshooting for details on where to look for the spooled files produced by the FTP process.

From version 6.2.63



Call the Java archive (.jar) specified in the JAVA_CLS parameter when creating your Java Folder Monitor entry. See Cobwebb Folder Monitor Types for details.

From version 6.2.78



Write a record of the file path to a Folder Monitor Notifications file. This information can be printed (and deleted) using the command FMNOTIFYP. This can be useful if you wish to monitor for failures as you can monitor a "failed" folder and then use a Cobwebb Design to email the relevant person.

From version 6.2.83



Create a Spooled File from a .TXT file. You may override the Spooled File attributes using the Folder Monitor Parameters.

From version 6.2.79



Requires Cobwebb XML module. Create a Spooled File from a .XML file which has had XML Cross References created. You may override the Spooled File attributes using the Folder Monitor Parameters. Requires IBM i OS V6R1M0 or above.

From version 6.2.82



Used by the Web Service Folder Monitor to Post the file to a Web Service based on the supplied parameters. This program has been designed to work with the  Cobwebb File Exit Program COBFILIDX which can be used in your Cobwebb Design to generate an IDX file in the same folder as the file output to hold the Key Values. Note: This Folder Monitor program will automatically move all files of the same name to the Fail folder or the Success folder if specified. See Cobwebb Folder Monitor Types for details.

Note: If you are posting to HTTPS you may need to refer to Configuring SSL on IBM i.

From version 6.2.79



Used by the Web Service Folder Monitor to Post an XML file to a Web Service based on the supplied parameters and capture the response XML. This program has been designed to work with the  Cobwebb File Exit Program COBFILIDX which can be used in your PPD to generate an IDX file in the same folder as the file output to hold the Key Values. Note: This Folder Monitor program will automatically move all files of the same name, except for the generated .ret, to either the Success or Fail folder if specified. See Cobwebb Folder Monitor Types for details.

Note: If you are posting to HTTPS you may need to refer to Configuring SSL on IBM i.

From version 6.2.83