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You  need to decide which of the XML Attributes you require for your XML output. Either select the XML Attribute icon or select XML Attribute from the Insert menu and then either pick the data from the spooled file or add the static attribute. Right click on the first attribute and select Properties, then click on the pin in the top right hand corner to keep the properties box open. In this way you can check if an attribute is required. You will see Required = yes in the properties box. Anything that is a required attribute should not be deleted.

XML Element Properties

See General Properties for details on the General tab.

XML Attribute


The name of the XML attribute as it appears in the selected schema.


If you are not retrieving the data from the spooled file then select this radio button and the fixed data may be entered in the box provided.

Position (Absolute)

If you wish to pass in data from the spooled file then select the Or Position radio button and the following entries will be enabled.


The horizontal position of the element in the input document.


The vertical position of the element in the input document.  

Force Absolute

When checked, forces the element to be positioned absolutely in the input document. This is only available if the element exists within a Loop element. See Absolute and Relative positioning for further details.



The width of the element in the input document in grid size units.