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Libraries, Files & Folders used by Docstore

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Libraries vs. Folders

Document files that are archived by Cobwebb Docstore are stored in IFS, QDLS or QNTC file system folders. Each document type setup within the archive would typically have its own sub folder to hold document files of one type only. The document type folders would be created within a root ‘Docstore’ folder which is given a name to identify the Docstore archive. The Docstore root folder only contains sub folders for each document type. It is generally good practise to give the same name used for the Docstore root folder to the library used to store information about the Docstore archive data structure. Therefore the name used for the Docstore root folder would also need to be compliant with server library names. The Docstore root folder would normally be created in the folder: /cppd/Docstore/

Each Docstore that is created also has a library that holds index key values and data structures for the archive but no actual archived documents are stored here. This is referred to as the Docstore library.


If you have the Cobwebb Docstore module enabled then the first time the DOCSTORED job runs in the CPPD subsystem the library DOCSTORE will be created.

By keeping the Cobwebb Docstore information in the library DOCSTORE and out of the library CPPD, it allows the Cobwebb Server application to be upgraded without affecting Cobwebb Docstore's archive information or configurations so there’s no need to re-import the Cobwebb Docstore database after an upgrade to the Cobwebb Document Management Server software has been performed. The list of Docstore archives held in the file DOCSTORES provides the link between the Cobwebb Docstore application and the archived documents and configurations for Cobwebb Docstore.

Library DOCSTORE contains the files:




This holds a list of Docstore archives (referred to as ‘Docstores’) that are currently setup for use with the Cobwebb Docstore application.


This is the log file which holds a log of all documents that have been submitted to be archived, whether successfully archived or not. The file DOCSTOREQ was previously used to store queued requests to store documents (hence the ‘Q’ in the filename), however, documents are now stored in the archive immediately when processed by Cobwebb Docstore (instead of being queued). All document archive attempts are therefore simply logged in the file DOCSTOREQ.

Docstore Library

One Docstore library needs to be created per Cobwebb Docstore archive which is created within the Cobwebb Docstore system. This library name is then specified at the time the Cobwebb Docstore archive itself is created using “Create a new Docstore” in the Docstore configuration. When using “Create a new Docstore” it simply creates a record in the DOCSTORES file for the new Docstore being added and stores the library name to use for this new Docstore along with its Docstore name and description. See the topic Creating a Docstore for details.

The user named Docstore library holds database structure information for the Docstore archive and contains all the important data for document retrieval (but not the actual archived documents themselves). All document locations, identities, filenames, index key values and relational database information is stored in this library.

For example, two Docstores could be created, one for Company A and one for Company B so that each company keeps its own archive information in a separate Docstore library, this allows for separate archive document structures and indexes to be used for each company. Two libraries would therefore be created; each library holding one Docstore, the name of the libraries might be ‘COMPANYA’ and ‘COMPANYB’.

The individual Docstore libraries hold the configuration and index files for the Docstore but no actual archived documents are held here e.g.

1.Various system files relating to the Docstore (journal files and logical files).

2.Relational database table files holding the Docstore data listing document types, index key names and archived document identities and locations.

3.Database files holding all index key values used for archived document retrieval.

Naming Convention for  Docstore Files

@ Prefixed File Names

There will be one @ prefixed physical file existing per key field created in the Docstore. The same user defined name given to the key field in the Docstore is also used for the name of the @ prefixed file name. Each @ prefixed ‘key field’ file lists all key field values entered for documents in the Docstore along with document identification numbers for retrieval purposes. As there may be any number of key fields created in the Docstore there may also be any number of @ prefixed physical files in the Docstore library.

# Prefixed File Names

# prefixed file names are used for the physical data files which store information defining the overall structure of the Docstore database, such as listing the document types created in the Docstore and the list of key fields (not key values) that have been created and which key fields are used for each document type. The same named # prefixed files will be created for each Docstore created, these files define the Docstore structure.

Docstore Library Files

The following files are stored in the Docstore library:

#DOCTYPES (Document Types)

Contains a list of the Document Types created in the Docstore. Each Document Type has a Document Type Name, Description and ID number. For example, ‘Invoice’ and ‘Purchase Order’ are Document Types.

#KEYTABLES (Key Tables)

Contains a list of all the index Key Fields that have been created for use within the Docstore. For each Key Field there is a Key Table Name, Description and ID number. The Key Table Name is the name of the physical data file which stores the key field values for the key along with the archived document identities used for document retrieval.

#DOCTPKEYS (Document Type Keys)

The #DOCTPKEYS database file is an abbreviation for ‘Document Type Keys’ and is used to list those key fields which are used for each document type. This effectively maintains the list of all key fields attached to each document type. As there could be many key fields for one document type, each key field listed for a specific document type is given a unique sequence number to identify it’s sequence order in the list of key fields for a given document type. The sequence order of key fields for a document type is setup by the user when assigning key fields to a document type.

The sequence number given to a key field is important to ensure that when key field data is input for a document being archived, the correct key field is used to store the key field data. This is necessary because key fields are assigned with user defined names in the Docstore but within the Cobwebb Design, fixed parameter names are used for populating the key field data.  In order to link the correct parameters with the correct user named key fields the parameters must map to the key fields by using a one to one relationship using the ascending sequence number on the key field to map to the next ascending parameter number used for supplying key field information. E.g.

       Key Sequence 10 = PARM1

 Key Sequence 20 = PARM2

 Key Sequence 25 = PARM3

 Key Sequence 30 = PARM4


Note: The parameter names used in the Docstore Type Output Device Element in the PPD are substituted with the user defined key field names which are retrieved from the Docstore. This allows the user to identify each parameter easily when creating the Cobwebb Design. However, each parameter name is retrieved for the correct parameter using the ascending sequence number for each key field to map to the correct parameter in the Docstore Output Device element.

#DOCUMENTS (Document IDs and locations)

This physical data file lists unique Document ID numbers for every document which has been archived into the Docstore. Each entry contains a unique Document ID number and a File path location where the archived document is stored along with the Document File name (PDF or TXT file) used for retrieval. Other information stored for each document entry is the Document Description which is used for the simple search retrieval string, the date and time when the document was inserted into the Docstore and the Document Creator.

@<key_field_name> (Key field data files)

Each key field created in the Docstore will have a corresponding file which has the @ prefix, this file store every key field value along with the unique Document ID number to retrieve. There may be many @ prefixed files depending on the number of key fields used by the Docstore.

For example: The file @INV_NO stores key field values for the invoice number and would contain:

DOCID                VALUE                

2133                C3985090

IFS Document Folders

Note: If you need to move the storage location of documents in Docstore please see Moving Document Type Storage Location.


This is the route folder used to store all Cobwebb Docstore archives. There will be one sub folder existing within /cppd/Docstore/ per Docstore archive that is created. The sub folder for the Docstore archive should be named with the same name as the Docstore library name entered in “Create a new Docstore” (see above).


This is the user named folder created for the DocStore archive. The name of this folder should be the same name as the library used for the Docstore entered in “Create a new DocStore” (see above). This folder should contain one sub folder per Document Type configured in the Docstore archive.


This is the Document Type sub folder. This folder stores the actual archived document files (PDF, TXT etc.) for this Document Type (eg. Invoices). There may be many Document Type sub folders, each sub folder should ideally be named with the same name given for the Document Type in “Create a new Document Type”. See the topic Creating a Docstore Document Type for details.


This is the folder which is used for temporary storage of all document files before they are archived into the document sub folders.


This folder holds the Cobwebb Web Server system files for web browser access to the Cobwebb Email & Fax Queue and also web browser system files for Cobwebb Docstore.