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Select Server Configuration, then the Docstore Module tab. Now click on Configure Individual Docstores where you will see the following:

Create new Docstore

Note: If you have existing Docstores then the above entry will appear at the bottom of the list.


Enter a name for your Docstore


Enter a library name for the new Docstore. Note: The Library must not already exist as this will be created but must be a valid name.


Enter a description for your Docstore.


Click Create new Docstore and wait. This may take a little while as it has to create the library but you will see a red progress message e.g.

Creating Docstore 'Cobwebb Store'


When the progress message disappears you should see your new Docstore e.g.

Docstore created message

Updating Docstore Details

If you wish to update the Name or Description for your Docstore simply click on the Docstore in the list.

Update Docstore

Make your changes and then click Update to apply the changes.

Note: If you change the Name and have used this in a PPD document then you will also have to change this otherwise your PPD will no longer work.