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If you wish to direct your CPPD printed output dependent upon the owner (UserId) of the document then you need to specify *USR in the Output queue name of your Print Output Device and define your users to CPPD.  If a user has not been set up and *USR has been specified then the print will be directed to the printer defined in the Printer device entry of your Output Device.

This can be found from the Cobwebb Main Menu - PPD File Maintenance - Option 8.

Position to

Enter one or more characters from which to start the display.


Select one of the following options:


Allows you to add a new PPD User. This option is only valid on the top (entry) line of the display.


Use this option to revise an existing PPD user.


Allows you to copy details from an existing PPD User to a new user.


Use this option to delete an existing PPD User.



An Server User profile.


The description for your User profile.

Function Keys


Exits the Work with PPD Users and returns to the Maintenance menu, without updating. Press Enter to Update.


Cancels the Work with PPD Users and returns to the Maintenance menu, without updating. Press Enter to Update.

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