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Navigation: Troubleshooting

Online Support Procedures

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Before reporting an issue to Cobwebb you may be able to resolve it by following the instructions in the Troubleshooting section.

If you still have a issue then the following pieces of information will be required to identify and resolve it:

The Input

The Output

The Design

An Explanation of the Issue

The version of the Cobwebb Server Software you are running - this is displayed top right of the CPPD menu e.g. Release 6.2.79.

To Log a support issue visit

The Input

This is normally a Spooled File. This needs to either be sent to Cobwebb or identified on the Customer’s Server in order for a Cobwebb Consultant to dial in and retrieve it.

To send the spooled file to Cobwebb open the Cobwebb Designer and either,

oimport the Spooled File into a blank PPD and then send the PPD to Cobwebb (see Sending your PPD file to Cobwebb)

oor use the Save to File Spooled File Tool (see Saving / Restoring a Spooled File) and send the saved file to Cobwebb.

To identify the spooled file for Cobwebb to investigate in place, the following Spooled file Attributes are required:

Job Name



File Name


All of the above information may be found by using the WRKSPLF or WRKOUTQ commands.

Alternatively it may be possible to uniquely identify a spooled file using a combination of one or more ‘User Friendly’ Attributes, eg:

Output Queue Name


Creation Date

Creation Time


User Data

The Output

Attach the relevant Cobwebb output such as the:

PDF Document,

Scan of a printed output


The Design

This should be the current PPD file that is being used by the Spool File Monitor program. First you need to determine the correct PPD file and then you need to send this to Cobwebb.

For details see:

Finding the Current PPD file

Sending your PPD file to Cobwebb

An Explanation of the Issue

“A problem well stated is a problem half solved” — Charles Kettering

This can be the hardest, yet most important step. Use whatever means necessary to explain how the current behaviour differs from the expected behaviour.

It is often clearest to print out and write, or draw on, the output.

Alternatively, look to explain the cause, if known, or list the symptoms with as much accuracy as possible, e.g.

oLine 2 of the Item list is not displaying the Units of Measure

othe Customer Number is not being displayed in the Header area on page 2 onwards

othe Email address is being displayed on the output page when I have selected to remove it

Include any recent changes to the system that could have made an impact.

Include a priority - how urgent is a solution?